Monday 2 February 2015

Finding how many numbers have odd number divisers in th range [a,b]

Given two number a and b.Count how many numbers in the range a to b(including both a and b) has odd number of divisors.
First line of input contains number of test cases T.Each of the next T lines contains two number a and b.
For each test case output a single line containing resulting count.
Sample Input
2 5
Sample Output
Divisors of 2:1,2
Divisors of 3:1,3
Divisors of 4:1,2,4
Divisors of 5:1,5
So only 4 has odd number of divisors which gives count as 1.
Solution ::
int main()
    int t;
    scanf("%d",&t); // Test cases
        long long a,b,ans=0;
        long long first_root=ceil(sqrt(a));//sqrt of first perfect square in [a,b]
        long long last_root=sqrt(b);      //sqrt of last perfect square in [a,b]
    return 0;
Explanation ::
Because divisors of a number always exist in pairs, so if “i” is a divisor of a number “n“, then “n/i” would also be a divisor.
This means that the count of divisors usually remains even. The only situation where the count becomes odd is when
=> i*i=n
i.e. when the number is a perfect square.
So our task becomes to count the number of perfect squares in range[a,b].
To find the perfect squares in range [a,b], we use the following :-
Largest number with square equal to or lesser than a = (int)sqrt(a)
First number with square in range[a,b],first_root = (int)sqrt(a), if a is perfect                                                                   square
                                                    (int)sqrt(a)+1, otherwise
Largest number with square equal to or lesser than b,last_root = (int)sqrt(b)
The count of numbers between first_root and last_root = last_root-first_root+1

TOTAL NUMBER OF DIVISERS OF A NUMBER not just prime by kishlay's  blog
imp concept

to count the total number of divisor( not just prime) using the prime number for optimization , we calculate total number of times a prime divides the number and then multiply them.

for example in case of 12
the factors are , 1 ,2, 3,4,6,12              total of 6
the prime factors are 2 ( two times ) and 3 ( one time)
if we add one with the frequency and multiply them we get the total number of  factor( that are not just prime) 

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